Chanel: The Little Black Jacket
A fashion designer friend of mine once said that designing clothes is like any other form of product design, but with fabric. There is a lot of calculated measures and decisions that go into the construction of a garment so that it will fit the curves of the human form. And what better way to illustrate this point than by showing a video of the making of Chanel's iconic little black jacket.
Before Chanel, women's fashion consisted of corsets, long, full skirts, feathered hats, bright colors, and plush, heavy fabrics. Women were treated like and dressed like ornaments. Chanel came in and redefined women's fashion by introducing menswear-inspired pieces like trousers, jersey fabric, and of course, the little black jacket. She wanted the modern woman to be free and comfortable and she made sure every cut, stitch, and seam did just that. Doesn't seem so revolutionary now, but considering the fact that this occured not too long after the turn of the century, her vision was pretty trailblazing. Excuse me as I dork out here, but this video is what true fashion is all about. This is why true designers deserve recognition. With every calculated proportion, measure, and stitch, they bring a vision to life and create something out of nothing. And the truly talented ones, like Chanel, can create something that changes the way people think.