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Fashion Geek Alert: Pose and Upload Your Outfit

Pose is a mobile-based fashion startup from Los Angeles that has made waves in the fashion tech scene in the last year and is taking over the fashion world, one stylist, fashionista, and fashion blogger at a time. Rachel Zoeand The Man Repeller's Leandra Medine both use the application to post pictures of their outfits on their blogs, Facebook profiles, and Pose profiles for their eager followers. Check out Rachel Zoe's Pose profile here and The Man Repeller's Pose profile here.  The application allows you to tag individual items from your ensemble based on category and brand on a daily basis. Users can also share images of what they are buying or thinking of buying at stores. Friends can then leave comments on the photos, merging social shopping and image sharing into one fashionable application. 


The interface is simple and the user engagement has simply digitized what girls have always done in real life when they got together with friends and helped them decide on what to wear or buy before going out. Only now, it's taken this pastime to a world-wide, fabulous fashion-geek level, allowing users to share and discover inspiring styles from around the world. The application is available to iphone and Android users and can be downloaded here. The company even has a blog where it posts its favorite uploads from users. As the fashion tech scene continues to grow, Pose proves that when fashionistas and geeks come together, beautiful things can happen. 


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